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to Apr 2
March 30-April 2: The Other Art Fair LA
I’m thrilled to announce I was chosen to show my work alongside 180 talented contemporary artists hand-picked by Saatchi Art in March of 2023.
I’ll be exhibiting three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday the last weekend of March. The Barker Hangar, Santa Monica.
My newest works on paper will be on exhibit and available for purchase— abstract, botanical and landscape photographs—all made using the cyanotype process. Large and small. Framed and unframed. Blue, blue, blue.
Stop by if you are going to be in the Los Angeles area. Design professionals: ask me for an info packet about commissions, image licensing and wholesale pricing.
Friday eve 5:00pm-10:00pm
Saturday 11:00am-8:00pm
Sunday 11:00am -6:00pm